Our Sponsors
How to become a supporter
Australian organisations who share our belief in the consumer’s right to choose how they wish to receive important information can become supporters of Keep Me Posted by signing up for our campaign pledge.
The KMP Compliance Stamp is awarded to companies that demonstrate a commitment to consumer choice. If you prefer your bills and statements on paper, or simply believe it is the consumer’s right to do so, make sure your service providers have the KMP Compliance Stamp on their website and correspondence.
If your service providers do not offer free paper correspondence, make your preferences known and let them know how you would like to receive information. You can use this letter as a helpful template.
If you are a service provider who champions consumer rights and believes that it is the choice of your customers to determine how they receive important information, sign up for The Pledge and become an acknowledged supporter of the campaign.

Best Practice Certificate
Keep Me Posted Awards Best Practice Certificates to companies who have made noteworthy contributions to support and protect the consumer’s right to choose. The following companies have received the precious Golden Tick:
- Momentum Energy: for supporting a ban on paper fees in Treasury’s national consultation
If you think a company deserves a Golden Tick, please let us know!

The Pledge
We call upon Australian organisations to adopt the Keep Me Posted Pledge to:
Offer all Australians the choice of receiving information through their preferred delivery option digital or paper. Refrain from penalising in any way, any Australian for preferring to receive information through paper correspondence.
- No extra charge
- No change of frequency
- No difficulty to revert back to paper correspondence
- Require prior consent from citizens before ceasing to send documents in their preferred way.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us